School WAKA Values
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini.
Success is due not to the work of one but the work of many.

Whanaungatanga is about forming and maintaining relationships and strengthening ties between whānau, school and the wider community. This value is the essential glue that binds people together, providing the foundation for a sense of unity, belonging and cohesion. As a school it is essential that are whanau and community are involved and welcomed to join in a range of activities.
In te ao Māori, the concept of ako means both to teach and to learn. It recognises the knowledge that both teachers and learners bring to learning interactions, and it acknowledges the way that new knowledge and understanding can grow out of shared learning experiences.
Kaitiakitanga is a New Zealand Māori term used for the concept of guardianship, for the sky, the sea, and the land. A kaitiaki is a guardian, and the process and practices of protecting and looking after the environment are referred to as kaitiakitanga. This is an important value for our school. Living in a beautiful seaside community comes with the responsibility of looking after our environment. We want our students to learn what it takes to look after our school, local and global community.
Aroha is about love, caring and empathy. As a small school community it is important that we develop a caring safe place for our students to learn and play. We want the school to reflect the values of Tuakana/Teina. This is the relationship between older and younger. In our school we want our older students helping and “looking out for” our younger students. We want the school to have a good family feel to it.